戦国アスカZERO - 街づくり×SDバトル

by GREE Entertainment, Inc.

Jeux de rôles


◆ Sengoku game loved by 2.5 million people ◆nSengoku town planning, country building. Nurture a miniature garden-style castle town! A pretty girl who gets stronger as you stroke, a cute warrior RPG! SD battle with up to 30 players

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このたび、『戦国アスカZERO』は下記の日時をもちまして、サービスを終了させていただくこととなりました。■終了日時  2021年12月16日 (木) 15:00誠に申し訳ございませんが、何とぞよろしくお願いいたします。なお、『戦国アスカZERO』をご利用のお客さまへの、アプリ専用通貨「有償神玉」の未使用残高の返金受付の詳細につきましては、ゲーム内に掲載しておりますお知らせをご確認ください。街づくり×SDバトル戦国街づくり、国(なかま)つくりRPG。箱庭風の城下町を育成!なでなでするほど強くなる美少女武将、侍。豪華声優陣に最大30人共闘のSDバトル。魅力的なシナリオに、高度な戦略要素やド派手スキルバトルなどやり込み要素満載!-----------------------------------◆◇◆◇ストーリー◇◆◇◆-----------------------------------時は戦国!群雄割拠の中、突如現れた謎の勢力「黒城家」彼らは妖かしの如き力を持つ「魔将」たちを率いまたたく間に西日本を制圧していった。気ままなぶらり旅から国へと舞い戻った「咲姫」その目に飛び込んだのは、黒城によって滅ぼされ跡形も無い、故郷の城下町であった。あなたは家臣として咲姫を支え、国を取り戻す決意をする。乱世をまたにかけた、興国の旅が今はじまる!-----------------------------------◆◇◆◇ゲーム詳細◇◆◇◆-----------------------------------●バトルはSDキャラアニメーション+フルボイス!スピーディなセミオートバトルシステム!豪華声優陣によるキャラクターボイス付き奥義が炸裂!●美少女武将をナデナデ可愛がると、勝手に建物を建ててくれる!箱庭風の城下町を育成、街づくり!新感覚!面倒ナシの建国システム純和風の戦国城下町には、仲間にした武将のSDキャラが歩きまわる。タップしてナデナデをし、かわいがると、その武将の忠誠度がアップ!絆が深まり、忠誠度が上がると、城下町がどんどん発展するぞ!●最大30人が参加可能なレイドバトル「魔将戦」!巨大ボス「魔将」に全員で挑もう!迫力のボスアニメーション。応援要請を出し合って、30人で協力して戦って討伐だ!無双の強さの乙女が乱舞するド派手スキルバトル!【対応端末】---------------------------必須環境:Android 5.0以上※上記以外の動作は保証しておりませんのでご了承ください。----------------------------This time, "Sengoku Asuka ZERO" has the following date and time,We have decided to terminate the service.■ End date and time: Thursday, December 16, 2021 15:00Im really sorry,Thank you for your cooperation.For customers using "Sengoku Asuka ZERO",For details on accepting refunds for unused balances of the app-only currency "Paid Shintama", please seePlease check the notice posted in the game.Town planning x SD battleSengoku town planning, country building RPG. Nurture a castle town like a miniature garden!A samurai, a beautiful girl warrior who gets stronger as she strokes. SD battle with up to 30 people fighting together with gorgeous voice actors. An attractive scenario, full of replay elements such as advanced strategic elements and flashy skill battles!-----------------------------------◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ Story ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆-----------------------------------Time is Sengoku!The mysterious power "Kuroshiro Family" suddenly appeared in the group of menThey lead "demon generals" who have magical powersIn a blink of an eye, he overwhelmed western Japan."Sakihime" who returned to the country from a carefree tripWhat jumped into that eye was destroyed by KuroshiroIt was a castle town in my hometown with no trace.You support Sakihime as a vassal and decide to regain the country.The journey of Kokoku, which has gone through a turbulent world, is about to begin!-----------------------------------◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ Game details ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆------------------------------------Battle is SD character animation + full voice!Speedy semi-automatic battle system!The mystery with character voices by gorgeous voice actors explodes!-If you love a beautiful girl warlord, she will build a building without permission!Nurture a castle town in the style of a miniature garden and create a town!A new sensation! Cumbersome pear founding systemIn the pure Japanese-style Sengoku castle town, the SD characters of the warlords who made friends walk around. Tap to play Nadenade, and if you pet it, the loyalty of the warlord will increase!As the bond deepens and the loyalty rises, the castle town will develop steadily!-Raid battle "Mashosen" where up to 30 people can participate!Lets challenge the huge boss "Masho" together!Powerful boss animation. Send out requests for support, and 30 people will work together to fight and subdue!A flashy skill battle in which a maiden of unrivaled strength dances![Compatible terminals]---------------------------Required environment: Android 5.0 or above* Please note that we do not guarantee operations other than the above.----------------------------